5 steps to

Breaking into FP&A

A step by step guide for your career transition from public accounting to FP&A.

After 7 years at PwC I was ready for a change. But I had a lot of questions:
- Would FP&A be a good fit?
- What should I put on my resume?
- What to expect in the interviews?
This is the playbook that I wish existed back then. I built it so that your journey to landing an FP&A role will be faster and easier than mine was.

The course includes two key modules

1. Understanding FP&A

- FP&A vs. accounting
- The FP&A skillset
- A day in the life
- Future career opportunities

2. 5 steps to breaking in

- Finding the right company
- Positioning yourself
- Getting the interview
- Crushing the interview
- Starting off on the right foot


Big 4 Senior Associate

3 yr Big 4 audit + FDD SA looking to transition into FP&A. Geoff's course helped answer a lot of questions I had around key functions of FP&A, what to expect in interviews, and what a real-world case study might look like. This course saved me a ton of time in my research and is well worth the money

(that's me with some storm troopers)

About me

👋 I'm Geoff

After 7 years at PwC I knew that I didn't want to have a career in accounting. I also knew that the clock was ticking. If I stayed too long I could limit future opportunities. So I decided to jump to FP&A.My jump was rocky, to say the least. I knew very little. Through a lot of trial and error I landed an FP&A job at a SaaS startup.I've since gone on to hire for and lead FP&A, Accounting, and BizOps teams at both startups and public companies.


Who is this course for?

This playbook is designed to help people with accounting backgrounds learn about and break into FP&A.But here's a secret — the playbook is widely applicable to any job change. It's resulted in a 100% interview -> job offer rate for me. Yes it's that good!

What’s included in the course?

I designed the course to help you, quickly. ~50 minutes of recorded lectures broken into an in introduction and two core modules: (1) understanding FP&A, and (2) breaking into FP&A
Module 2 also includes real world examples of things that have worked for me:
- How I position my resume
- Example referral request
- Interview prep cheatsheet / guide
- Sample case study prompt + solution (powerpoint + excel)
- And more

Why should I listen to you?

I've been where you are. I understand the gravity of the situation. Fears about being pigeon holed, not understanding FP&A, not knowing how to position your experience.I had to forge my own path from public accounting to FP&A. It took a long time with a lot of trial and error. But through that, and my subsequent experience as a hiring manager, I developed this playbook. It worked for me and it will work for you too.

OK got it. This must be expensive, right?

No, it's only $49!

Why should I pay for this?

There’s a lot of information floating around out there - but it’s disaggregated and often hard to know who to trust.Buying this course is purchasing two things:
- Proven advice that works
- Your time back. Job hunting is a second full time job. I aggregated and packaged all the material in an organized, fast to digest manner so you can focus your valuable time on getting the job, not figuring out how to do it

How long will it take to see results?

The two things you need to do to land a new job are (1) position yourself as best as possible, and (2) persevere through the application and interview process.This course helps you with (1). Teaching you the fundamentals of FP&A so you can position your experience, and providing proven tips to improve your interview and job offer rate.Even if it takes you longer than you want, at least you know you're doing the right things. You just need to keep going.

Sounds good. Where do I sign up?